Refugees in Brazil: Achievements and Challenges in Guaranteeing Rights

In Brazil, Refúgio 343 stands out as a humanitarian organization focused on welcoming and educating people who have had to leave their places of origin. It was created in response to what is now the greatest migration challenge in recent history.
FOLHA BV | Founders of an NGO that helps immigrants in RR earn more than R$350 in a segment on Domingão com Huck

On Sunday night (13), Domingão com Huck aired the edition of The Wall that featured the participation of the couple Fernando and Laura, founders of the NGO Refúgio 343, a group that helps immigrants and refugees in Boa Vista, Roraima.

“My family and I faced many difficulties. Many days we were without food and we even ended up sleeping on the street.”
A story of great struggle and courage

Ibeyci is Venezuelan and is in Brazil with her sons Samuel, Hiber, David, and her stepson José. Her story, like that of so many refugees and migrants, involves a lot of struggle and courage.
They fulfilled their dream of making their union official

After 4 years together, Ruz Mary and José Antônio finally realized their dream of making their union official.
Third Sector Observatory | Discover 3 organizations that work to defend refugees in Brazil

The Third Sector observatory listed seven civil society organizations that work to defend the human rights of migrants and refugees in Brazil.
Folha de Boa Vista | Mural painted by Venezuelan artists to be inaugurated this Tuesday (20)

A mural, painted by two Venezuelan artists, will be inaugurated this Tuesday (20), at 16 pm, in honor of World Refugee Day.
Unis Group | Unis Group joins NGO Scholarship Program for refugees and migrants

Refúgio 343, in partnership with Faculdade Arnaldo, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (Unis) and Centro Universitário Facens (Facens), the NGO launched the Scholarship Program for Higher Education courses aimed at refugees and migrants.
Third Sector Observatory | NGO Refúgio 3 launches scholarship program for refugees

This week, the NGO Refúgio 343 is launching a scholarship program exclusively for refugees and migrants living in Brazil.
Beautiful story of welcome

Johan is a 4-year-old boy who, together with his parents and sister, lived in Pacaraima, Roraima, when he was diagnosed with cancer and had to be transferred in a hurry, a beautiful story of welcome, on International Family Day.
Truth in the air | Refúgio School and its impacts on education (2019)

Refúgio 343 School Project brings education and learning opportunities to migrants and refugees.

Be moved by the story of the couple Hector and Maria and their daughter Sophia, follow the journey taken by the family in search of a new beginning.